Mr. Kota is a smart, spry 93 lb. lovable 10 year old Yellow Lab! He's affectionate, housebroken, crate trained, loves car rides, does well on a leash, and gets along with other dogs. He hasn't been around cats while in foster yet has not been a chaser of small birds or rabbits. He does however love chasing fly’s and has almost caught a few. He is lively at times and can skip up steps two at a time. He knows many commands including sit, stay, come, down and speak to name a few. He would do well either with another dog or being the main dude. He loves attention but is fine just hanging out admiring the view. He's learning to play fetch, squeaking stuffed animals and loving tug of war. He's good around the pool but has shown no real interest in getting in. He has had chronic ear infections so Kota will need some basic attention to his ears. He came from a home with children and has been a gentle and loving presence to his foster families two and four legged children. Kota is as close to perfect as you can get! He is a one of a kind gem and will make a great addition to your family!!