Bliss is simply a little love bug. He is a yellow Lab mix that is approximately 1 year old and weighs 58 pounds. Bliss loves all people, dogs and is not cat tested. He loves to play with toys, roughhousing with his people and wrestle or play chase with other dogs. He is cautious about new activities but warms up quickly. He rides well in the car. Bliss enjoys his walks and would benefit from continued leash training. He will most likely be a great running/hiking partner once he gets more experience on the leash. Bliss is learning inside house manners and is mastering basic commands, such as sit. He is crate trained and is almost completely house trained. Bliss would love a home where people are around most of the time and he has a dog sibling to play with. If you are looking for a young, active, snuggler, Bliss may be the right fit for your family!